Reviewing the rules of disclosure in a tri-partisan world and the deeper meaning of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.
3:55 - End of Stupercalia 4:33 - Leftist tears 5:10 - Majority Righteousness 5:45 - Ketones and Kilation 8:00 - The Achilles Heal of Tranny Libraries 9:30 - Trump promised boobies on the moon 13:24 - Marion NC on Trump 15:00 - Why Politics are Primary Colors 18:44 - The Circuit of Good News 21:00 - The AC Circuit of Life 26:38 - The attention span of consciousness 28:30 - Running is a faith-based activity 29:57 - Government ups the game 31:00 - Ryan Graves testifies to Congress 33:00 - It's a threat to national security to doubt UAP 34:42 - William Cooper on UAPs 36:12 - Stop Discerning 37:33 - Three things happened in 1968 38:38 - Project Mars is not Scifi 40:00 - The spaceship is egregore 41:36 - Level 1 is Jaguar Sun 43:28 - The Blue Crown of War 46:20 - The cerebellum of reason 48:10 - The United States of Earth 49:30 - 1950 DPA 50:50 - The first use of the term "UFO" 52:28 - Cthulhu from space 54:42 - Wonders in the Sky 56:33 - 1952 Saucers over Washington DC 57:40 - Demon disclosure of King James 58:44 - Trump is an alchemist 1:01:30 - The Graph of Flow State 1:02:04 - The budgets of DNC/RNC 1:03:45 - Ivanka traded to Israel 1:05:00 - Shame is the fog of emotional melammu 1:07:32 - They upgraded our radar equipment and we saw UFOs 1:10:00 - 9/11 had thousands of bogus targets were placed on radar 1:12:44 - Animism is the heart of all medicine 1:14:39 - The last person the aliens would trust
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