
878 - The Flaming Eye of Shiva

The Mexican Cave Fish

The Mexican Cave Fish has no eyes. It sees through its skin and lips. Every signal we receive from our environment comes through a central transducer. The pineal is a microphone submerged in listening fluid and Shiva sees what is hidden by plugging into it.

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7:45 - That time Qin flooded the district of Wei and wrote a religion about it 14:55 - The equation of morality 16:42 - We render our world 20:45 - Personality is a combination of ion channels 22:00 - The Base Hallucination is fed to you before you are born 23:08 - The Inner-eyed gaze of Ajna 24:00 - The Shiva Shell is decoded from its origin 25:00 - Brain sand in the pineal 25:55 - Mexican blind cavefish 32:45 - The flaming eye of Shiva 35:35 - Horus' Eye of Completeness 38:10 - The Eyes are decision simulators 43:50 - Shiva misses no half 44:24 - The peacock eyes 45:33 - The Black-eye Club 50:00 - The Timestamp Problem 51:00 - Zero-point Consciousness 54:00 - The Pineal is a Sonar Dome 54:54 - We are Liquid Devils 55:12 - The one-hour drift 57:31 - The Black-box Principle 58:10 - Melatonin vs Metatonin 59:33 - Reality's DMT Trigger

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