The Mexican Cave Fish has no eyes. It sees through its skin and lips. Every signal we receive from our environment comes through a central transducer. The pineal is a microphone submerged in listening fluid and Shiva sees what is hidden by plugging into it.
Watch Livestream with Chapters
7:45 - That time Qin flooded the district of Wei and wrote a religion about it 14:55 - The equation of morality 16:42 - We render our world 20:45 - Personality is a combination of ion channels 22:00 - The Base Hallucination is fed to you before you are born 23:08 - The Inner-eyed gaze of Ajna 24:00 - The Shiva Shell is decoded from its origin 25:00 - Brain sand in the pineal 25:55 - Mexican blind cavefish 32:45 - The flaming eye of Shiva 35:35 - Horus' Eye of Completeness 38:10 - The Eyes are decision simulators 43:50 - Shiva misses no half 44:24 - The peacock eyes 45:33 - The Black-eye Club 50:00 - The Timestamp Problem 51:00 - Zero-point Consciousness 54:00 - The Pineal is a Sonar Dome 54:54 - We are Liquid Devils 55:12 - The one-hour drift 57:31 - The Black-box Principle 58:10 - Melatonin vs Metatonin 59:33 - Reality's DMT Trigger
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