
877 - The Smiling Tear of Horus

The Egyptian Story of Lilith

The Egyptian waterlily shares the toxicology of gingko. The scent dilated the pores of consciousness. This Eye of Horus means to see "completely" and why it is used for measurements. We see "completely" through the struggle of Set and Horus leaves one blind and the other castrated. The Eye of Lilith is reflected in the mud of our anatomy.

Livestream replay with chapters

4:27 - The New Emotional Weather 5:25 - The Kundalini Awakening 6:40 - Neferet means beautiful or dilating 7:20 - The Oil of Sacred into the vessel of Profane 7:55 - Oh My Dinga-Lingum 8:47 - James hears a squirrel 10:22 - The Root of Christianity 11:50 - China was run by eunuchs for 1500 years 13:11 - Medusa turns you to stone 16:10 - The Dilated Eye of Horus 18:00 - The Tear of Horus 19:04 - The scent of reality 19:30 - The measurement of Horus 22:16 - The blind assumption of early consciousness 25:04 - The Birth of the Gate of Kings 27:24 - Egypt then and now 31:52 - The Political Purpose of the Pyramid 38:44 - Having fear vs becoming fear 43:48 - Neferetem in the nostril of Ra 48:40 - Sekhmet on Corn liquor 50:20 - The battle between Set and Horus 51:51 - The Horizon of You 53:13 - The Owl has the Eye of Ra 54:04 - Owl is the Lamenter of complete vision 56:41 - Horus is blind, Set loses his genitals 59:52 - Screech Owl of Lilith 1:01:56 - Adam and Lilith 1:04:50 - Lilith and the screech owl Isaiah 34:14 1:08:00 - The birth of emotional religion 1:09:38 - The Alphabet of Ben Sira 78

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