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865 - Jesus in Egypt

Josephus and the tax on Mary Magdalene

The Life of Flavius Josephus has all the trappings of Jesus in Egypt. Jesus carries full knowledge of scripture much to the delight of the temple. Jesus was a child of God, fully-versed in the esoteric knowledge of Hathor and the business of religious ecstasy. He was known in the outer church of Rameses and the sacred inner court of Amun. The only place Jesus was forbidden was the Holy of Holies.

Watch Livestream with Chapters

9:42 - From orgy pits to abstinence 11:18 - Death penalty for gazing at the Monstrance and Pyx 12:20 - The Yah and Weh of Ardhanarishvara 13:36 - Attis is engorged 16:15 - Cybele and St Barbara as Magdalene 17:03 - The Festival of Hilaria 21:45 - Roman parade buried by omission 23:40 - Perseus kills Medusa 24:40 - Mythology is an oracle 26:10 - Perseus Profilactus 26:38 - Sixteen Messiahs Crucified 28:14 - From evil eye to frontal lobe 30:04 - The Pagan Mind vs Wetiko 31:20 - 4000 years of Cutting 32:40 - Christna and Christos 34:14 - Serapeum was the cult of the snake 35:17 - The library of Serapus was destroyed by Christians 36:12 - The Twelve Tribes of Israel 39:04 - Mother Mary never married because she was a sacred whore 40:07 - Meet Flavius Josephus 42:00 - Joseph or Josephus? 42:20 - Josephus in a spider hole 44:50 - Vespasian is named messiah 47:23 - Josephus and the family jewels 49:44 - Mary was registered in Bethlehem 52:06 - Luke Chapter 2, Verse 5 53:00 - Jesus vs Josephus 55:00 - Jesus had ego 56:00 - Josephus hides in the wealthy city of Capernaum 58:50 - What did Jesus know 1:01:00 - Jesus was an orphan in a sacred whore house 1:03:00 - Judaism was a religion of secrets 1:04:49 - The Hero's Journey of Josephus 1:05:42 - The Lamb of Shame 1:09:54 - The Wailing Wall 1:11:11 - The earliest form of Imagination 1:12:00 - The Temptation of Christ 1:13:50 - The Shekinah of the Sacred Whore

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