James True
James True Live
855 - They Came by Night

855 - They Came by Night

We all live in a Pedo-Submarine

The Defense Production Act (DPA) required seven administrations to work in tandem to liquidate America and assign the USA trademark to FEMA. All of this happened between March 22 2012 and March 22 2020. Propaganda canisters were deployed on the population including the stories of a super-elite satanic billionaire cult island with a submarine. There were no survivors.

Watch Video with Chapters and Slides

4:31 - Drink the power of Friday the 13th 5:05 - Lord Acton on Power Corrupts 6:33 - We don't have to do anything 7:33 - The Dankest Truffles 8:08 - Which story wins? 8:55 - Epstein lives in a Pedo Submarine song 10:40 - Protecting the Constitution vs Pedo Submarine 11:35 - Bill Gates is doing something wrong 12:54 - What would the USA closing look like? 14:04 - Controlled demolition 15:03 - It would look like this 15:25 - The Cone of Visibility 16:12 - Seven days without a POTUS seal 17:16 - Obama Executive Order on March 22 2012 19:38 - Trump Press Conference on March 22 2020 20:30 - The World Lobby inside Covid19 24:06 - Predator never moves 25:00 - The Seven Day War 25:45 - The Perfectly Patriotic Perp 27:20 - DPA is a license to extort and bribe 29:10 - Red Chief White Chief 30:00 - The Right to Public Safety 30:55 - The Great Work 31:53 - Forcing a business at gunpoint 33:33 - Muting Musk took three times 34:06 - Elon Musk vs Peter Thiel 35:08 - Steve Bannon footprints 36:32 - Federal State of New China 37:27 - Bannon signs NWO blood oath 40:00 - The Himalayan World Constitution 41:50 - Why Bannon is in jail 43:19 - Bannon live from Oracle, AZ Trust (QQQ) 46:00 - Israel for last 47:28 - We're gonna cut the red heifer today 47:58 - Bannon's Record 48:20 - Bannon did Epstein 49:23 - Sect Interior ended tribal trust Mar 27 2020 50:35 - Noravirus Republican Lobby 53:06 - Asymptomatic with Dr Jerome Adams 56:22 - Confusion is the fog of war 57:30 - We think abandoning our power makes us good 58:40 - Pillage is an organic event 1:00:00 - Cleaning New York 1:01:36 - Whitney Webb's 1000 pages 1:03:09 - The Epstein story has it all! 1:04:22 - We have to expose Hollywood 1:05:45 - A Symbiotic Cluster-Monkey-phuck 1:07:07 - This is how boring it is 1:09:56 - Planting an mRNA flag 1:11:11 - Phiza Minnelli 1:13:50 - There will not be a WW3 1:14:50 - When someone comes on line 1:17:39 - Hawaiian Blue Laser Beam 1:20:25 - You inherited their lies 1:21:22 - How you win World War 3

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James True
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