James True
James True Live
854 - The Hegelian Helix

854 - The Hegelian Helix

A 9/11 Homecoming

A 9/11 Homecoming. The constructive nature of Heyoka governance and the rattling of two candidates invokes a medicine of truth and lies. This is older than Rome. This is the Hegelian Helixer inside you.

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On a scale of ten how awake were you BEFORE and AFTER 9/11. Political Halloween. The Jet fuel chant. Gifts of Baal. Coming out of the Cave. The Vanderbilt's Yard. Cleopatra's Needle. Pit of Crabs. Waking up the fear cannibal. A Sheep's 401k Plan. The words you need to survive. The Sour Milk of Baal. I want my yellow belt now. Mark Passio gets you out of fear. Misery loves a red belt. Green is a sonar of compassion. Selfish and self-fullness. Fieldings and Antlers. The Throat of Pride. My butt-crack is a compass. The alkaline of words. Rothschild was four days ahead. Evil is a spam filter. An inflammatory response to power. The red and yellow belts of Podesta. The Octave of 911. Maestros hit every note. The Ten Coiled Strike. Towers of Erotic focus IXXXI. They want you to watch America fail. Best Apocalypse Ever Jazz Break. Placebo is the insistence to work. The Constructive Lie of Magic. The Hermeticist uses shame as a compass. The Fraud/Antifraud Cone. The Fear of Illegal Aliens. You're not afraid of this, you're afraid of what's behind this. La Brea Tar Pits. The Clergy of Archeology. The Label Pseudoscience is Pseudoscience. Atheists are looking for privacy. Doubt how easy it is to doubt. The two-team theory. The Dual Tumor in the frontal lobe. Red Team trades smell for society. The Red Team Hive. Hey I got an idea, why don't we lie to ourselves?. Red team has five colors, Blue team had one. They ate acorns. The Aztec Desktop. Resonance known. Resonance grown. Botswana is the cradle of mitochondrial eve. The Genetic Geyser of Tanzania. How I stretch the truth. Embarrassment is my One True North. The Egyptian Poem of Mercury. The two eyes of the Hegelian Viper. The Purpose of Reality Terrorism. Compassion for Osama bin Laden. Melania Trump's real bullets. The Academy Award to Black Hawk Down. The Homecoming of 911. Someone did Building 7 for you. Robert Anton Wilson is right. Everyone better than me has to be evil. How to touch the sun

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