Chapter six( should be sex) rise of priapus. funny how im reading this morning the same part as tonight video. This explains me how you can do 1 hours stream all week long and never run out of interesting stuff to teach. It was all in the book. I follow a man with the same technique, dean enderson And is book wendigo. Wise way to give follow ups on a book. I bet writers in a far past with no screen and tech would aphave dream of doing this.

Btw, after this chapter i couldnt help thinking of how my friend jimmy when we were young who drew d*cks evrywhere…was not that crazy after all. Just connected to his ancestor! Hehe

Lastly your book ark of baphomet is awesome! Only thing i can say is not even negative,but only a personal fear. I think everyone should read this, and by the title i bet many would never dare touch the book just because of their cultural prejudicial belief.

I know i know, its foolish…and you know it to! Dont say chakra! same thing 😉

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Thank you! I've thought so many times about changing the title but the majority of people already don't get me and I am really proud of my discoveries with Khonsu and Banebdjedet as the genetic Baphomet. No one has made this link before (or so i believe).

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I cant say for evry book on earth i havent read yet. But you are indeed unique in these theories about our past as far I could search. its quite impressive that all this fits so well and i cant find flaws. I will be studying your work for a while. And its me who thanks you for the teaching and entertainment.👍👍

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I loved sex when I was young. It infuriated me that there was such taboo attached to it. I rejected all the taboos wholesale and shocked the living daylights out of my parents when I announced that I would be getting shot of my virginity at the first opportunity once I passed my sixteenth birthday.

Of course this was only possible for my generation thanks to effective birth control. I showed the world my freedom by wearing no shoes, no unnatural fabrics and very little whenever I could.

My grandmother recognised this as 'bohemian' and she was the only member of my family who understood my rebellion. My male friends were completely intimidated by my power grab!

Eee that were grand!

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It always seems we are our grandparents and they are us. Our identity seems to skip generations like dolphins diving in and out of the water.

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Sep 24Liked by James True


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Sep 25Liked by James True

Looking at the history of syphilis alone would explain why so much of what we have been taught has been sanitized. Wow.

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