Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by James True

I encountered the wildest thing the last few days. One neighbor had a chicken die, and she tossed it out on the vacant lot across the way. The next day, as I was pulling out of the neighbor who lives atop that lot, I saw another dead chicken on the road. I returned today to find out that out of his 30 chickens, 12 had died. Then, later in the evening as we were burning some acacia, he came to tell me that the neighbor further down the road, who isn't even that close and fairly isolated, had 16 of his 17 chickens die and the other was missing.

If there's no virus, what was that? I've never understood the 'no-virus' argument because I have never seen it presented as to what the alternative actually is, but I have an idea. I believe there are multiple bodies, some etheric, that we all have, and this isn't my original thought, you can find it in places like Punjab India, where they will spell out the Ten Bodies we have.

It makes sense to me, particularly as I live so far out, my body can expand in a way that I don't feel is possible in the city.

The proposed causal correlation of 5G and sickness just has too many coincidences to not take it seriously, and Invisible Rainbow (2020) opened my mind to understanding how deep this goes, and you cannot talk about it anywhere like X or Zuckland (without getting censored). But still, I don't think that's why those chickens all died. We don't even have 4G yet here (but I need to check as maybe that first person with the dead chicken got new internet service service as we do have a electric line now since about a year ago-- that would be even more wild if so).

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Great share, thank you. I am still searching and this helps.

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Starlink satellites are providing additional electro-magnetic radiation, Jerome, especially in remote areas.

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We luckily do not have it here in Tanzania. It is everywhere around us though, in the neighboring countries. Its one benefit of having a socialist government, that they are very insular.

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Satellite radiation is EVERYWHERE, Jerome. Unnatural electro-magnetic radiation knows no boundaries.

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True, but how Starlink is working is through Device to Satellite. And its back and forth, two-way now, of that transmission which brings down the radiation to the device/person. So though the radiation is there, if its not being called down, I don’t think its as affected in areas where that is not employed. At least that’s how I imagine it, sorta tough as they are doing no studies, to know its effects.

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Look at all the studies I have included in your Note on this subject! I cannot access them now because the person named Songstan Ali has blocked me from viewing the entire thread! I guess he did not like my ability to counter his ignorance with facts.

This article is particularly important:


"The NTP study, a multi-year research project, found clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in rodents exposed to RF radiation similar to that from 2G and 3G cell phones. This included tumors in the hearts of male rats and some evidence of tumors in the brains and adrenal glands. Similarly, the RI study observed an increase in heart schwannomas in male rats exposed to RF radiation. These findings have been pivotal in understanding the potential health risks associated with RF radiation."

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OK, I finally found the thread.


Substack didn't even notify me of it being posted. I think you are one of the most censored persons on this app. That's disappointing that he blocked you. I know him personally, so am surprised to say the least, and asked why. He even earlier referred me to a post of yours, lol. I don't understand why people are so into blocking at the slightest offense! OK, Mute if you want, but blocking is just immature.

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Aug 21Liked by James True

So you seem copacetic with people that don't believe in virus as a physical particle when you say "What we fail to understand is contagion is an electro-psychic phenomenon working through our cell’s ion channels".

What most of the no virus exist crowd is saying is that there are no evil germs out to get you on a handrail, and the plexiglass walls put up at walmart are not doing anything. They are put up because the "science" told people that there are scary virus particles everywhere, so we have to put on our masks and plastic barriers.

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In my mind these are protein capsules created in the body by our placebo. Placebo is collectively sympathetic. This is a living plasma and it creates dents in the environment.

IMO if we are told monkey pox is out there, the psychic wave of everyone's thoughts creates that sympathy and this is reflected in the environment through PCR and our failure to use a sneeze guard. Contagion is a quantum of belief but many readers think i am denying something when i am explaining how all of it must be right. I don't care if the cart of the horse is first. I see the answer in our ability to massively manipulate our environment.

No one has explained it like this and the anti-virus crowd are a spiteful bunch so I shake their tree for survivors who want to come down and smell what we've learned since they've been gone.

It is truly been insulting this past week watching many of them be so abhorrently against finding out what the Allen Institute has done. It's importance is so much beyond the political worship of antisomes. Thank you for reading and considering these ideas.

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considering you condemn anti-virus people as a "spiteful bunch" I don't know what you want them to smell. If you have any good information from the Allen Institute I would love if you shared it or even made a new post about it.

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I think i have scrutinized the people like Sam Bailey and Christine Massey FOIs who are posting pictures of detractors like me atop "poopoo" and calling everyone a narcissist. The evidence you claim to need is in the article. You are simply loyal to a church. Even if you dispute Allen Institute's viral rabies template, you still have to explain how they built their own, added radioactive markers, and tracked the brain at the speed of sound.

Additionally, I have shown you a photo labeled "cell absorption" above and challenged you to prove this is not gain of function Mike, the ball has been in your court since you read this article but I don't think you did so you don't realize it yet.

I see childish behavior from the tribe of anti-vaccine and I have screenshots to prove it, I left that out as much as I can because it's not even about that. If you guys can't respond to this, you really aren't looking at anything at all.

Cheers regardless! Feedback is sunlight for a small writer.

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Aug 31Liked by James True

James, had you by chance researched the work of the Bigelsen brothers using dark matter electron microscopy? They claim holographic images appear in blood samples as parts of the body that suffered some kind of injury or insult. Love to witness your testimony in the matter.

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Do you have a favorite link perhaps? I'd like to check that out

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If I am understanding correctly, rabies is not transmitted through the bite, it is biofield morphic resonance, the bite is a consequence of the disease?

So our biofield reacts to nature, and nature reacts to our biofield?

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Well said. I tend to lean that the bite is the only way the field can inform us so it is “consequence” for sure but it is also purposefully informative. “All Pain is information”

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one of my yoga teachers focuses on fascia 2 classes a week, and I've heard her use that phrase "all pain is information" dozens of times over the past 4 years.

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The body is the best way to learn. Substituting "energy" for "information" was one of the best suggestions I learned.

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"informative energy"

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Sep 3Liked by James True

Could it be then that the bite (jab/public water) was a dose of non-lethal snake venom but sufficient to “cause” flu symptoms (plus loss of smell, etc.) to bump up the curve?

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Yes. It doesn’t seem plausible (to me) that poison would ever intentionally go into vaccines. That would ruin vaccines forever. The truth is more simple and induced by media. There is another factor though and I think it has to do with the sun’s electromagnetic lens as it changes to a higher resolution. Government could “stage” an epidemic in time with the solar event and direct the posture of everyone while it is happening and turn it into an epidemic.

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Sep 3Liked by James True

I’m personally weighing out whether this is a hill to die on considering your/others’ perspectives as maintaining a homestead is more heavily weighted than what the artificial world’s Kabuki theatre offers as I’m redirecting and limiting online interactions to a smaller and smaller group of like minded individuals, like you. Helps me to get grounded, take root, absorb its nutrients, and slow the f@[k down.

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Yeah. I am all about slow roll. Especially during blue beam. The show is on full tilt and the only way to ride this is like a canoe. Lotsa berries along the way

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Yep, one man’s observation of normal sun cycles is another man’s opportunity to play God I guess. Thanks again for your observations!

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Dr Tom Cowan and co. have taken the no virus stance and created the new biology clinic. They recruit allopathic practitioners from all of the world. In this clinic they see patients as their own individual stories. They do not deal w/diagnosis and labels of illness. They take each individual and they dissect the individual's life story to see exactly what happened in the individuals life that may have caused them to need more or less energy in order to help achieve homeostasis. This is how they're moving forward from the idea of no virus. The new biology clinic's docs are not interested in going back and forth w/arguments and postulations about viruses anymore. They decided virology is pseudoscience and it's time to move fwd.

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Is it safe to say you haven’t checked into what the Allen Institute did and are more relying on what Dr Cowan has said about rabies and you are applying that to cover what the Allen institute has accomplished?

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No, I wouldn't say that's safe to say. Just cause I have never heard Dr cowan address the Allen institute rabies study specifically. I did that myself. Here's the info you requested, goto the study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-022-01219-x

Scroll down to data availability, click atlas portal link: https://community.brain-map.org/t/documentation-mouse-connectivity-atlas/2940

Click on "overview", download the Allen institute's "connectivity overview". Page 6 of 15, under "Anterograde Tracers" it states, rAAV (custom ordered viral vectors) the vectors were purchased from University of Penn. The vectors are promoted w/hepatitis virus, bovine growth hormone, and polydenylation sequences (usually used to promote degradation of the RNA). All viral cultures include some mix of other so called viruses, antibiotics, hormones, and a degradation agent (something already killing the cells).

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I honestly can’t tell if you are saying you already knew about Allen institute or just looked that up after I brought it up. I am thinking maybe it would be uncomfortable for you to tell me this if so. I will stop here as I really appreciate you replying. I think Allen has created their own protein shells now in order to make them less viral but I can’t trust you have actually scrutinized any info on this as it has taken me weeks to absorb everything those guys have been able to do with their model. You are the only person however who has tried to give this new evidence attention so I thank you for the time you could give.

If I had Tom’s email I would ask him but Ive been told he doesn’t practice medicine anymore and is basically retired now. Andy Kaufman could not comment and Dr Bailey has blocked my attempts. Thanks again Ty! Appreciate the feedback very much. Means a lot from where I am standing.

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I'll gladly tell you. I looked it up after you asked. But I knew exactly where to look. I went to med school, I worked in the med field, and for the most part I understand the construction/linguistics of these documents. I also know virology only uses cell cultures for all research and any virologist would openly admit this. Dr Tom isn't practicing traditional medicine anymore but he does practice in the new biology clinic and you can request a consultation w/him and their staff. Dr Kauffman and Bailey aren't in the clinic w/Tom. Appreciate all u do James, forever indebted to what you content brings.

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It has really been refreshing to communicate with you on this, Ty. Thank you for being patient with my unqualified scrutiny. I absolutely know I am out of my league but have done a lot to try and keep up. I feel surrounded by lies on both sides based on people’s behavior and it’s been a bit frustrating to find someone like you who would give me more than dogma. Thank you again.

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@Ty - I am recording this here so people will know you have misrepresented yourself as a doctor to me and wasted a lot of my time lying. Please reply if you think I am wrong, I am happy to look up your credentials in private if that is needed to clear your name

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The Allen institute's study in rabies is invalid. What they mapped is via cell culture. It's not rabies purely. Its a soup of particulate matter. It's what they call rabies mixed w/other ingredients that would never exist together in nature let alone an animals bite.

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Can you provide a link where you discovered this so people can confirm your source?

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Under "Anterograde Tracers", 3rd sentence states promoters were "hepatitis, bovine growth hormone, polydenylation sequences (used to break down RNA).

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Ty I am recording this here so people will know you have misrepresented yourself as a doctor to me and wasted a lot of my time lying. Please reply if you think I am wrong, I am happy to look up your credentials in private if that is needed to clear your name

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I never said I was a doctor. I went to med school for surgical instrumentation. I did 6+ years and a residency in clinicals, majority of time in the OR. In total 11 years in the medical field.

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Unfortunately Ty you have misrepresented yourself a couple of times. I could forget the misunderstanding if it happened once but you not only cannot provide any credentials, after you said you went to medical school and I asked you for more details you told me to "f*** off" for questioning it.

This isn't how someone with credentials would behave, nor would they mislead someone only to blame them later for not seeing through the deception.

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It sounds like you might have me confused w/someone else.

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The protein shell you mention in the article reminds me of this passage from Eliphas Levi "The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic" wherein he mentions "husks" or "petrified envelopes" (you may already be aware of this work, but I found the connection quite fascinating; this is in Chapter 3 of the Greer, Mikituk translation):

"The Cabalists compare the spirit to a substance which remains fluid in

the divine milieu and under the influence of the essential light but whose

exterior hardens like wax exposed to the air of the coldest regions of

reasoning or of the visible forms. These husks or petrified envelopes (we

would express it better by saying “carnified,” if the word existed in

French) are the cause of errors or of evil, which are due to the weight and

the hardness of these envelopes of the soul. In the book of Zohar and in the

book of the revolutions of souls, perverted minds, or wicked demons, are

called nothing other than husks or cortices.

"The husks of the world of the spirits are transparent, those of the

material world are opaque; bodies are only temporary crusts from which

souls must be delivered; but those who obey the body in this life produce

an interior body or a fluidic crust which becomes their prison and their

torment after death, until they manage to melt it in the heat of the divine

light, to which their weight stops them from rising; they only manage this

after infinite efforts and with the help of the just, who assist them, and

during all this time they are devoured by the internal activity of the captive

spirit as if they were in a raging furnace. Those who arrive at the pyre of

expiation burn themselves like Hercules atop Mount Oeta and thus deliver

themselves from their suffering; but most lack the courage to face this

final test, which appears like a second and more horrible death to them

than the first, and thus remain in hell, which is eternal by law and fact, but

into which souls are never thrown or held against their will."

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Sci Fi

Doesn't cut it

We want scientific proof

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All placebo is sci-fi mate!

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Is the rabies virus real?

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All i know is the Allen Institute used what society called "rabies" to make a custom protein shell and used it to map every neuron in the mouse brain at the speed of sound.

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Interesting enough James, but that doesn't prove rabies is a virus

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Agreed. You defined that box. It feels impractical to me to get in it considering a custom protein shell can do this in the brain. Better to accept cell absorption as your proof for gain of function and move on to the technology of belief.

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Im talking about transmissible pathogens that transmit the same illness person to person, Ie a virus.

If you have credible scientific studies that demonstrate that feel free to provide them, as far as Im aware the studies claiming transmission were actually predicated upon suckling mice being repeatedly injected intracranially until they got sick and thus it was claimed as proof of transmission. which is obviously pseudoscientific quackery

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Well, it appears ChatGPT has its own biases (no surprise) in the following response to my inquiry today about placebo and viruses. Is your defense that “perception is reality” or is this just more technology of apologists?


The common cold and flu, while not classified as allergies, can exhibit some responses that may be influenced by the placebo effect. However, it's important to clarify the differences between allergies and viral infections like the cold and flu.

### Common Cold and Flu

- **Nature of the Conditions**: The common cold and influenza (flu) are caused by viruses. They are infectious diseases characterized by symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, cough, fever, and body aches. In contrast, allergies are immune responses to allergens (e.g., pollen, dust mites, pet dander) that are not infectious agents.

- **Placebo Effect in Symptom Management**: While the placebo effect does not cure viral infections, it can help manage and alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions. For example, if a patient believes that a treatment (even a placebo) will relieve their cold or flu symptoms, they may report feeling better due to psychological factors such as expectation and reduced anxiety about their illness.

### Evidence of the Placebo Effect in Respiratory Illnesses

1. **Symptom Relief**: Studies have shown that individuals with cold or flu symptoms may experience relief from their symptoms when they believe they are receiving effective treatment, even if the treatment is a placebo. This can include improvements in perceived severity of symptoms like cough, congestion, and malaise.

2. **Psychological Factors**: The overall experience of illness can be influenced by psychological factors. If a person believes they are receiving effective care, their stress and anxiety may decrease, which can contribute to an improved sense of well-being and symptom relief.

3. **Expectations and Coping**: Positive expectations about recovery can enhance coping mechanisms, leading to better self-management of symptoms. Patients may engage more actively in self-care behaviors (like hydration and rest) if they believe they are being effectively treated.

### Limitations

- **Viral Nature**: It is crucial to note that the placebo effect does not shorten the duration of illness or eliminate the viral infection itself. The common cold and flu will typically resolve on their own, regardless of whether a placebo or an active treatment is administered.

- **Not a Substitute for Treatment**: While placebos can help with symptom perception, they should not replace evidence-based treatments for viral infections. Vaccines, antiviral medications (for the flu), and supportive care are important for managing these conditions.

### Conclusion

In summary, the placebo effect can influence the perception of symptoms associated with the common cold and flu, similar to its effects observed in allergies. While it may help individuals feel better and manage their symptoms through psychological mechanisms, it does not cure the viral infections themselves. Placebos can play a role in enhancing the overall experience during illness, but they should be considered as part of a broader approach to managing viral infections, which includes appropriate medical interventions when necessary.

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#8 worked? Are you saying the corona virus vaccines worked?

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Number 8 triggered an immune response. 9/11 triggered an immune response. Me calling you beautiful triggers an immune response.

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I see. You are not saying if the immune response was effective, just that it happened. Did you accept vaccination for Covid?

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No. I believe adjuvant recipes are proprietary and their recipe is corporate property so legally I would have no way of knowing the entire process from which they are made. Additionally, the concept of fooling the body with a false terrorist threat to stimulate an accurate immune response would lead to a massive autoimmune reset that would be counterintuitive to my health and well being.

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The method of contagion is opaque as I was very ill in March 2020 yet not one of the other 4 people in my house even felt sick for a day. I'm convinced our biofield is a sender and receiver of messaging we are mostly not aware of

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I agree completely. If we consider the body is one big cell inundated with ion channels we start to see disease as a process of deep learning. We crunch genetic possibility across the population in real-time and share our findings with the rest of the network. The purpose of sickness can be seen as hermetically constructive and a way of “taking one for the team.”

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Scapegoat technology for the evacuated.

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We learn to associate through the instrument of evacuation.

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Can you explain this statement further please?

"Our reaction to Corona has created its own wake and it has taught us a lot about people and their reactions to a new solar frequency."

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One anomaly with Covid 19 was the sun lost its spots. I’ve been studying how our brain uses neuromelanin to buffer reality. The amygdala uses it go throttle things that are difficult to accept and truth is one of them. I believe this explains a lot do the behavior we see with denialism in criminal arrests. No one has scientifically applied this idea to a pandemic with any serious scrutiny and we seem to have a wider frequency spectrum than we did before this. If humans are receiving more bandwidth it could explain how smell is lost, people inflame and can’t breathe, and overall everyone freaks out who can no longer hide from the truth. Masks, government freak-outs, hysteria could all symptoms of this new sun.

This isn’t just a theory. Melanocytes absorbs radiation and are found inside the cochlea where the sun doesn’t shine. We need this reality throttle to avoid going into shock when we see something too emotional to override with the brains dopamine.

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Your theory is interesting. Another culprit for the change in the frequency spectrum is the introduction of 5G technology at the end of 2019. I have amassed a huge archive of material to support the supposition that unnatural electro-magnetic radiation is responsible for Covid19. You can access that archive via this link:


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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

I see from your post you've already considered how Spanish Flu during the rise of electromagnetic motors in the home would create a similar effect in the body. All of these technologies require the bio-field to adjust to counter-balance these new frequencies and what we call virus would be the result. One of the things that mades this so hard to prove is the body is so amazing and people adjust their field and the symptoms go away and science calls it a "cure."

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I am particularly sensitive to changes (natural and unnatural) and have correlated static in my hair with coronal mass ejections... I call it 'Medusa Hair' and wonder if that was the true reason for the legend! Sun activity is particularly erratic atm and I have to keep my hair tied up tight.

I purchased some EMF resistant clothing to help me adjust and that seemed to provide me rest - so I wore it while sleeping and noticed a significant improvement.

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