Sep 11Liked by James True

When I get a grumpy comment such as, “wow, you really live in a different reality,” I feel good that it is acknowledged. What it means to them is none of my business.

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Is it just me or does Melania feel... AI-generated? Something about the way she moves her head and the way she speaks are both... off.

Maybe that's just Homunculi.

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There is plenty of propaganda being put out by the ruling class.

Bullets, that killed the fire fighter, are not fake.

It was not a "show".

Your post is about giving power to the enemy, they don't already have.

No need to do that.

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The "ruling class" is not the elite. They don't play with hyenna or their bullets. It is a show because everyone who believes it is pretending to be the good guys.

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You and Frances Leader are my "heroes". I hate that word, but mean it. I would still be caught in the sticky web of the illusion if not for you both. My soul is on fire (with gratitude and genuine awe) listening to you. And you validated what I knew had happened as I watched it live back in 2020 but didn't understand how or why I could know such a thing and had no one to discuss/verify it with, so after a brief shout out to who I had believed to be (trusted) friends that oft commented "your IQ is crazy high" (not grasping my knowingS had nothing to do with IQ) I gave up and went silent - watching and trusting the bigger truths would eventually be revealed and I would be there for it!

The "show" is so cheesy and lacking in production values but it IS entertaining! Then again, most of the population lives on empty calories so I guess this humiliation is by design.

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Will we ever be able to learn the name of the private company that purchased the Presidential Seal/Logo? Do they then get paid royalties to lend it back out the White House actors?

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