When I lived like a hermit on a fruit farm in Spain, it was the birds who would set off the first alarm of change. Their silences were profound. My chickens, dogs, horse and I would all stop whatever we were doing and look up.... waiting for the birds to recommence their tree-top chatter. My dogs would sniff the air and glance at the cat. If the cat reacted they would do a boundary check.
Hunters passing by were aiming their guns at my trees - hoping to shoot their lunch, I presume. I shouted at them and they ran off thinking "La Loca Inglesa" was even more loca than they had previously thought.
When the tree-top birds resumed their conversations, we would all return to whatever we were doing. We were a harmonic team and our mutual security was everyone's responsibility.
“You and I will sing lyrics that have nothing to do with the song.”
Case in point. 😊
When I lived like a hermit on a fruit farm in Spain, it was the birds who would set off the first alarm of change. Their silences were profound. My chickens, dogs, horse and I would all stop whatever we were doing and look up.... waiting for the birds to recommence their tree-top chatter. My dogs would sniff the air and glance at the cat. If the cat reacted they would do a boundary check.
Hunters passing by were aiming their guns at my trees - hoping to shoot their lunch, I presume. I shouted at them and they ran off thinking "La Loca Inglesa" was even more loca than they had previously thought.
When the tree-top birds resumed their conversations, we would all return to whatever we were doing. We were a harmonic team and our mutual security was everyone's responsibility.