Mark Is angry, nothing wrong with that. He has a right to his feelings, as we all do. Second, natural law was insufficient to form robust, long lasting societies of people. As far as i am able to tell, the primary virtue was (pre abrahamism, in ireland and ancient greece) Hospitality. Which goes way beyond natural law. Parables of the 'good Samaritan', and the 'Midas touch' are classics to this day. The tale of the ring of gyges tells why not having accountability is bad. Hospitality, and accountability, those 2 things are a sensible foundation for people to live together.
Third, since i deal in herbs, i have known the terrain theory since 1991. i see it as a strategy, just as the virus theory can sometimes be effective. there is not reason to choose. Use both. tiny particles are the virus trees, to a forest terrain. I fine it most effective to use both strategies at the same time. Especially with serious challenges. I am not in it for money or prestige, since there is neither in this field. If helping someone is the goal, both tactics should be on the table. we may not understand why they work, but if we have observed they do , and it does no harm, that is good enough for me. maybe we will understand it later.
I got a friend who keeps showing me mark passio stuff. I find the man quite incomplete. So now you got me curious, how did people found you trough mike passio?
My opinion is that from satanist he got a taste of luciferian, but never entered deep enough to see behind this the world allegory not making it that theater we are fed. So in the end like the anti virus team. Is opposition is making a validation of the egrogorial power we give already enough to the creators of these illusion.
Hope im not too confusing and i wonder bout tour mike passio link.
I dont even need one friend now that i know someone else somewhere thinks as perticularly then I. So ty 🐬
Yes, i think you see it. Mark was also very prickly about flat earth and fought it with a lot of anger. I believe he struggles to trust himself enough to consider building his own cosmology which is why he comes off as militant towards anyone else.
Love is ... Paul's letter to the Corinthians updated by James True for the end times? It kinda fits. Maybe. The c word does not describe you. Rummage through BALZAC for a manly retort.
Mark Is angry, nothing wrong with that. He has a right to his feelings, as we all do. Second, natural law was insufficient to form robust, long lasting societies of people. As far as i am able to tell, the primary virtue was (pre abrahamism, in ireland and ancient greece) Hospitality. Which goes way beyond natural law. Parables of the 'good Samaritan', and the 'Midas touch' are classics to this day. The tale of the ring of gyges tells why not having accountability is bad. Hospitality, and accountability, those 2 things are a sensible foundation for people to live together.
Third, since i deal in herbs, i have known the terrain theory since 1991. i see it as a strategy, just as the virus theory can sometimes be effective. there is not reason to choose. Use both. tiny particles are the virus trees, to a forest terrain. I fine it most effective to use both strategies at the same time. Especially with serious challenges. I am not in it for money or prestige, since there is neither in this field. If helping someone is the goal, both tactics should be on the table. we may not understand why they work, but if we have observed they do , and it does no harm, that is good enough for me. maybe we will understand it later.
Well said. Holographic medicine runs on witness. It doesn't need anyone to understand it.
I got a friend who keeps showing me mark passio stuff. I find the man quite incomplete. So now you got me curious, how did people found you trough mike passio?
My opinion is that from satanist he got a taste of luciferian, but never entered deep enough to see behind this the world allegory not making it that theater we are fed. So in the end like the anti virus team. Is opposition is making a validation of the egrogorial power we give already enough to the creators of these illusion.
Hope im not too confusing and i wonder bout tour mike passio link.
I dont even need one friend now that i know someone else somewhere thinks as perticularly then I. So ty 🐬
Yes, i think you see it. Mark was also very prickly about flat earth and fought it with a lot of anger. I believe he struggles to trust himself enough to consider building his own cosmology which is why he comes off as militant towards anyone else.
Love is ... Paul's letter to the Corinthians updated by James True for the end times? It kinda fits. Maybe. The c word does not describe you. Rummage through BALZAC for a manly retort.