Sep 8Liked by James True

the clip 37 mins into this stream is wild. i remember back in 2020 showing people the video of her explaining how everyone who died WITH covid was marked as a "covid death" and watching them squirm to try and fit it into their narrative rather than re-evaluating their beliefs was so bizarre to me. it almost left me feeling like the person just didn't like ME. they gobbled up all the other shit the talking heads were spewing out and called any source i cited "a conspiracy theorist" or a "quack doctor". so i was hyped to find that footage of a talking head admitting that the numbers were WILDLY inaccurate. after showing it to them i had expected them to re-evaluate their opinions on the subject, instead i watched them perform mental gymnastics explaining to me how, although the source was legit enough for them, I just "didn't understand what the video meant". then watch them try to explain it to me like I was fucking retarded. it really helped me fathom the depths of the programing and helped me differentiate between the minds i value from those that i do not.

2020 was beautiful

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Sufficiently demoralized people will always (subconsciously) choose submission and dependence as a survival mechanism before reason or self agency.

You literally can not reason with someone who is demoralized; its psychologically threatening

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Sep 8Liked by James True

Your words evoke positive thoughts in me. My eyes, ears, taste buds are open and detoxed.

Thank you for my neurological exercise.

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Sep 8Liked by James True

I’m glad I returned. I would have missed this level of magic.

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Brilliant, shocking but also soothing to hear it understood so well. Thank you!

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🎶and I feel fiiiiiinnnneeee🎶

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